Director-choreographer Farah Khan, who had triplets at 43 with film-maker Shirish Kunder through IVF, has encouraged couples who can’t conceive to go for the specialized treatment. Director-choreographer Farah Khan has encouraged couples who can’t conceive to go for specialized treatment, and says she herself underwent the IVF procedure which proved to be a blessing for her. Farah, who is married to film-maker Shirish Kunder, said they had failed attempts of trying to have a baby naturally for two years, before they went for IVF treatment. Now they are parents to triplets – one son and two daughters. “IVF is a blessing and I am really thankful as it has changed my life. A lot of factors today make it difficult for some couples to conceive, but we have solutions in the form of treatments. And I strongly believe in IVF, it helped me conceive my angels. “Being persistent, positive and patient towards the procedure paid off. And if IVF can change my life, it could cha...